Hi, I'm Afif. Here are a few things you need to know about me, maybe you just forgot. Today, i just turned 20 and thank Allah for everything He has given me. I'm a big boy now, at least that's what they say. For me, this is the best birthday celebration ever, thnx to my insan teristimewa. Hehehe.LOL =)
Kuih Lopes bentuk 'love'. I love it~
Chocolates and flowers. So sweet~
Kerepek-kerepek dari Malaysia. Yummy :9
Birthday cake for birthday boy. Terbaik!
Thank you Allah for everything, Alhamdulillah. Selawat ke atas Nabi Muhammad SAW. Terima kasih kepada ibuku yang melahirkanku. Arigatou kepada bapaku kerna membesarkanku dgn sempurna. Thnx very much kepada insan yg sentiasa dihatiku, NN (I really appreciate it =D). Tenkiu kpd member2 serumah (Capel) n sape2 yg mengenali diri ini. Jasa kalian sentiasa dikenang.
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3 years ago
welcome to 20 la apek...
lame benor ko xupdate blog...
rindu lak (bapak gedik)...
really it's ur birthday? Happy turning 13. may Allah ease all undertakings~
u're welcome n thnx...
aku update jer,cume aku privatekn kjap..hihihi...
rindu? agak gedik r..haha...
yup, it's my birthday ok. but not 13, its 20. thnx very much.
may Allah ease all ur undertakings too~
happy belated birthday
woi. lama x dgr cite?
mane ko sorok doe?
dah kena hanyut banjir ke?
happy belated thanks
woih, aku rase ko lg lame aku xdgr.
siap ngan fb ko skali ilang.huhuhu.
blum lg,tp klu bleh nk kene cpat skit la.bleh la bangge2 skit.hihihi.
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